Dear mum, our invisibility starts at home''
''Even though my closet is movable I continue to be an invisible child

My movable closet continue to think about my family

My movable closet had stack in my invisibility

A closet for a invisible child

My construction of invisibility daughter hood

Invisibility starts at home''
'' I was too young to document it, and you to focus on the DVDs''

Since my early childhood my dad has been renting DVDs from video clubs to see movies. Both me, my brother and mum went with him and we used to choose animation movies and games we didn't have in the house. This situation happened so often that we created a large collection of DVDs.

Being interested in my family memories I notice that many of my emotional memories are not documented as my perspective was active to observe and my thoughts stayed private. I decided to create these memories by erasing people and objects from already existing pictures and placed my memories above. I thought the DVD keep case as medium to project my memories.

''Tiny voice''

I have several glass jars in my house. Every time I am going to supermarket I bought at least one product that is inside the glass jar.

I do not want to throw them away so I cleaned the glass jars starting with removing the product inside. Next I wash them until the sticker had been destroyed and at the end I wipe them.

Every time I am inside the kitchen cleaning the jars I feel like my grandma,

a housewife

I spent some hours in a space I feel safe and I am performing a soundless woman activity, washed the dishes. Listening one interview from Judy Chicago about Woman house one sentence stuck in to my head. Judy learns to her women students to how to introduce themselves. They used to introduced themselves with a tiny voice but when you have a small voice you can not get a large physical space. So with a small voice you make small art.

Housewife had to have a small voices they can not get a large space. They stay in the kitchen. I decided to create 10 small drawings of me cleaning the glass jar.
'' A diary of glass jar''

The project '' A diary of glass jar''is a documentation of me interacting with a glass jar for an entire day.

In every page I wrote down how the jar triggers or satisfied my sensory issues in terms of the sound, texture, movement.

Also, analysed how my relationship with my grandma influence me to feel overwhelmed when I touch it.

For my zine I decided to create a sound map. By moving to the Netherlands I start to notice things that I wast able to understand in Greece while living with my family one of them is my lack of understanding sounds. When I am outside I do not understand sounds I just hear a noise in the background.

I decided to record the sounds that makes me to feel something and then follow it until it stops. Then I document the place and write my experience and analyse what I felt. To represent the noise I hear I use three different types of paper. The first two are transparent and are printed with pictures of the place in order their combination being noisy. The third one is a sticker with my notes, I consider the pink lines of the sticker as a map.
''''Grandam's Cookbook''

''Grandma's Cookbook'' is a book I made after realizing the power dynamics between my grandma and my mum Remembering that my grandma have a written cookbook, I started to understand her behavior as cooking recipes because recipes have specific steps the person have to follow to make it. Studying her writing I was interested in her obsessions with steps and notes.

I then started to write my own cookbook with recipes that follow her writing which describe I write steps of how to make a meal with her controlling and some time abusing approach. Daughters, emotions, situations become ingredients to be like her.
During this semester I had been working on projects about identity, family roles, power dynamics and sensory issues. By using my experiences as sources for research I visualize my soft and tiny expression who does not initially stand out for herself in order to make her more visible. By making my experiences visible I call attention to myself to rarely reject the well-behaved attitude which I had learned to follow. I emphasize on the word rarely because even though I tried to be visible in certain situations invisibility it continues to function on my attitude.

For me invisibility is a generation process which is taking place inside a house performed by the women in the family. By observing my entire life the relationship between my mum and my grandma I realize that invisibility can have a negative attitude to our close ones by trying to control them to stay with us and to act like us. The controlling motherhood allowed the individual, the mum to have power over the daughter. As a daughter who grows up with another daughter, controlling motherhood is always projected to the way I approach daily tasks as it negatively affects my sensory issues.

As an invisible kid I used to have needs and expectations which never became true so it stays with me as memories which only I can remember. I gave these expectations so much value as I hope they will affect my visibility. I decided to place these artworks in a suitcase because they will be visible if I open it. The artworks inside can claim space in certain situations as the suitcase has a limited use like my invisibility . One of the uses is to pack for traveling and with me leaving my home to travel abroad I pack my experiences with me.


By doing material research and experimentation with an object for Woolf class I realize how my experiences are connected to the material or object I choose. So I used some I made in Woolf class as they are connected. In Sandim class I think critically about my family and I learn that I need to experiment with which information stays with me and which is shared to the public. So, I also use the work I made in Sandim class. Then, I use the different ways of documentation I learn in Fyn class to document some of my sensory issues for my zine. Lastly, I did not put anything from the timeline as I consider the suitcase itself as a new and maybe final timeline.
''Birthday cakes and I''

Since my my early childhood, I had expectations about my birthdays which none of them become true. I believe I give too much power and value to my birthdays, so I create expectations about my close ones which I know its not possible to become true. By studying the candle as a form of storytelling I decided to create birthday cakes by using only wax.